Tuesday, November 30, 2010

11.30.10 Recap and Analysis

I have gathered a collection of napkin/scrap paper notes from the last several weeks. This peer discussion and review analysis has been organized into a bit of a road map of overlying conclusions and focuses that will hopefully support the definition of my technique approaches:

Concepts + Define/Re-define
- Explore the root termanology and construct clear definitions for :
          environment, technology, learning, education, collaboration, 
          community, node, resource, neighborhood, etc...
- Develop idea of the community as a hybrid between digital and physical
- Explore standard teaching techniques vs the implied approach
- Explain and emphasize the non-literal interpretations
            ie: technology doesn't have to equal a "wired building"

Further Exploration:
- Tapping into multiple learning styles, both type and level of stimulus
          re: "Eyes of the Skin"
- Philosophy research in educational and sociological to support ideas
- Curriculum development to tap into co learning ideas
          re: how interactions exist and manifest
- Age / Range / Focus defined
          re: What is the overall thesis manifestation?

Summery to Clarify:
- Outreach: Digital education and natural resources
- Input / Influx : Physical community definition and interaction with local environment
- Urban Setting: Socio focus to strengthen community
                         re: Environmental + Technology as supportive trends